The objective of professional ethics is to increase professionalism. An increase in professionalism means that levels of safety, efficiency and fairness rise, especially at workplaces. This involves collaboration and sharing with solutions to conflicts at work.
Increase your professional communications, and work towards democracy at workplaces. Compare different types of businesses and how their workplaces function, such as cooperative businesses. Consider that in co-ops workers choose their own managers, hire and fire them. So, consider where it is the management that must meet demands of busy workers. Interoffice politics, displays of power through company hierarchies and treating subordinates unfairly is extremely uncommon at co-op businesses where workers are the business owners.
Working efficiently requires a strong work-life balance. We encourage workers who fulfill their duties of their job descriptions to work toward the following goals:
- Leave your work on time habitually. Your family and friends are more important than this never-ending process called “work.” This requires you to work diligently and to finish your tasks. If it’s not possible, then focus on an exit strategy.

- Identify and end unfairness at work. Do not tolerate insults, unwanted advances, violations of your mutual agreements (e.g., employment contracts), co-workers stealing the recognition for your work, and unprofessional behaviors from your co-workers in your presence.

- Give your life meaning by socializing and entertaining others, exercising and relaxing with entertainment. To lead an active life, there is a dependency on nutrition and exercise. Physical and mental healthiness and well-being are far more important to you and to us, to your friends and family, your neighbors and community than loyalty to any firm.
- Do not mistake obedience for subservience. Pave your own path professionally. This is especially relevant in the corporate world. You never know when your company is going to stop needing or wanting you. You also do not entirely know the motivations of others. So, you should not solely base your purposeful actions on the wants and needs of colleagues and owners. Consider your particular wants and needs, and tailor strategies to fit your situation at work to increase your chances of success.

- Using humor, smiling, and laughing WITH co-workers is contagious, relieves stress, and builds stronger relationships. Watch some comedy, and connect with people with it. It is possible to find humor in some of the actions of your most horrid colleagues, even if it takes years to realize.

- Identify unprofessionalism. Educate yourself on what to do when the levels of unsafe, inefficient and unfair practices happen at your workplace.
- Understand what work is. Work is something that you can, in principle, pay someone else to do for you instead. Some work is unnecessary, including the work that employees do as their regular tasks at workplaces. Your labor time for the next years and decades is valuable. Consider that the value of your labor time is worth more to society and humanity than what your employer or workplace will use as your labor time by the time you have completed your services there.
- Consider a four-part philosophy of prioritizing ways of doing things for living well: Just do your best, first. Always do your best from times of illness or sadness or any other negative way of being, like anger or disgust, to times of great strength or happiness, knowing your performance will vary.
- Secondly, don’t take things too personally.
- Thirdly, don’t make too many assumptions that would close your mind to real possibilities, especially about the lives of others.
- Ultimately, be impeccable with your words. Treat your words to others like unbroken promises, knowing that while insincerity happens, it has an ill effect on the good will, and the good will is the goal of life to work toward in all your decisions. The good will is necessary for the possibility of being happy and being a good person.