Special Journal Edition

Welcome to our page for the special edition of a journal for international and applied philosophy for well-being and the health sciences!  


Invitations to participate: Professors, instructors, other professionals and postgraduates


Participating Organizations: The University of Guadalajara (CUCS), The Center of Biomedical Investigation of the Occident, Ethical Conflict Consulting (Nonprofit), Sofia University University St. Kliment Ohridski and Texas State University


Aims of the special edition: Increase the amount of authorship, philosophical debate and scholasticism.  We aim to publish essays quickly on this website, displaying them properly.  We will make improvements to the articles, including a feature image.  Responses to essays by other authors will be made over the course of a three month period (to be announced).  The original authors will provide at least one response or retort.


Scholarly Journal: The Journal MILEEES in the University Center of Health Sciences at the University of Guadalajara, the Center of Biomedical Investigation of the Occident and Ethical Conflict Consulting are enthusiastic to offer an ongoing special edition of the journal MILEEES conjointly published with the participating organizations.




International and Applied Philosophy for Wellbeing, Work and the Health Sciences


Themes: Methodology, management and applied philosophy for wellbeing and the health sciences; Applied philosophy for work, workplaces or the health sciences; Dialogue concerning life or death, mental or physical health, wellbeing; History of ethics for the health sciences (e.g., from the “Do no harm” principle from Hippocratic Oath); Social and political philosophy that is either related to work in general, mental or physical health or wellbeing, or the medical industrial complex; Philosophy of science concerning work, workplaces or the health sciences; Philosophy of technology concerning work, workplaces, or the health sciences; Responsible Conduct of Research and Research Ethics with examples from the health sciences; Professional ethics for health professionals (e.g., psychologists, psychiatrists, other medical doctors, nurses, x-ray technicians etc.); The meaning of life as it is applied to wellbeing or mental health or benefiting society and sustainability; Medical ethics; Bioethics; Philosophy of law concerning medicine and health; philosophy of economics concerning the medical system or medical industrial complex; Philosophy of education for the health sciences; Ethics and neurodegenerative diseases; Epistemology concerning methodologies for workplaces or health sciences; Moral psychology; Health psychology; Sociology of health; Philosophy of violence concerning health professionals (e.g., war zone medics); Philosophy of the human sciences; Philosophy of emotion for work, workplaces, or health professionals


Languages: English and Spanish


Steps for authors: Send a message to ECC at publications@ethicalconflictconsulting.com.  You will receive a username and password and a page for logging in to ECC.  You may submit your article or save it and submit it at a later date.  Next, go to a website that offers free images (e.g., pexels.com) and select a free image that allows us to publish it via the Creative Commons License.  The publication on ECC will include a featured image. 


Guidelines for authors: Each journal article will have a response from a second author. Preferably, the second author will come from another institution and a different nation for the international collaboration.  Authors may have two or three responders for critiques, arguments in favor and counter-arguments.


Words: Under 6,000 words for original articles, under 5,000 words for responses and under 4,000 words for the original author’s retort or response.


Format: Times New Roman 12 point font.  Double space each paragraph.  Please do not indent the first line of your paragraphs.  The formatting will be within WordPress.  Each image in your essay should be under 300KB.  You may upload a feature image of your own or from a Creative Commons License.

Include an abstract.  Roman numerals are for sections (I., II., III., III.i….) and for figures or images (i., ii., iii….).  The bibliography should show: Last name, first name, year, book title (in italics) or “article” (in quotes), (optional: (translation of title in Spanish or English)), (the city, the publisher for the book), (the journal in italics, the volume, the issue: and the page numbers (for articles)).


Basch, Charles E. (2011).  “Teen Pregnancy and the Achievement Gap Among Urban  Minority Youth.”  (El embarazo en la adolescencia y la brecha de logros entre los jóvenes de minorías urbanas)  Journal of School Health. 81, 10: 614–618.

Lipschultz, Jeremy H. (2008). Broadcast and Internet Indecency: Defining Free Speech.  New York: Routledge.


Deadlines: There are two deadlines for authors and responders to be announced.  The first deadline is for the essay.  The second deadline is for the response and retort by each set of authors.